Champion's Choice: Ply Pasarj, Canadian Brewers Cup Champion in 2024
In this edition of HALL OF FAME, we celebrate Ply, the newly crowned Brewers Cup Champion in Canada, who achieved victory with the help of APAX LAB mineral concentrates. Ply’s journey showcases how tailored water can unlock the best in coffee, and we’re thrilled to share his insights into the role APAX LAB played in his championship-winning performance.
How did you first hear about us, and why did you decide to use APAX LAB to make your water for the competition?
First I heard about APAX LAB water was way back 1–2 years ago when APAX was just a prototype—not yet a retail product. The information was floating around among those in the competition world.
In what ways did the mineral concentrates help you win the competition?
The mineral concentrates allowed me to customise the water to the exact taste profile I needed for my coffee. I didn’t have to worry too much about which minerals to add—overall, it was an easier experience than making my own water from scratch using individual minerals.
What is your favourite APAX LAB profile, and why?
LYLAC is my favourite. I love floral notes, and LYLAC brings them out beautifully.
What was your winning water recipe with APAX LAB? And what coffee did you use it with?
I used a recipe with:
- 1 part JAMM
- 2 parts LYLAC
- Total concentration: 74 ppm
The coffee I paired with is a Geisha from Mount Totumas in Panama.
Finally, what piece of advice would you give to someone who is just getting started with making their own water?
Explore and try. Not every water is suitable for every person or every coffee. You might find a water profile that’s perfect for you—even if it’s a premade water pack or APAX water concentrate. Water is one of the most impactful variables in coffee and one of the hardest to fully understand. But the more you experiment and taste, the more you’ll learn about what works best for you and your coffee.
We’re honoured to have been a part of Ply’s journey and can’t wait to see how he continues to push the boundaries of coffee excellence!